From (Jon Leech) Newsgroups: comp.lang.c++ Subject: Vector classes (was Re: Semantics of friends vs. members) Date: 31 Jan 92 03:10:28 GMT In article <>, (Stephen D. Clamage) writes: > In your specific case, you could overload * for dot product and % for > cross product, or the other way around. The precedences are right, > and I don't think % would otherwise be used for vectors. I prefer ^ . BTW, if anyone wants a fairly complete set of 3 and 4 element template vector/matrix classes (suitable for 3D graphics work) you can get by anonymous FTP (*). No guarantees, no support, no copyright, and virtually no documentation comes with this. (*) If you don't have FTP access, read news.answers to find one of the FAQs discussing email FTP servers. I will not email copies. Don't ask. -- Jon Leech ( __@/ "We were driving along, minding our own business, when there was a sudden flash of blue light which blotted out the stars. I thought it was a nuclear bomb going off and despaired for my career." - Keith Hughes